04/09/2020 - Trapani Sud Sound Festival-PLANET FUNK 04-05-06 SETTEMBRE 2020 - “Trapani Sud Sound Festival”. Dal 4 al 6 settembre. Una tre giorni che “combinerà i tradizionali ritmi mediterranei con le nuove tendenze della musica contemporanea ed elettronica, dando spazio ad artisti siciliani ed internazionali”. Il 5 settembre prevede fin dalla mattina feste in barca, dj set e degustazioni di prodo...
New desktop & browser app for Trezor hardware wallets. Trezor Suite brings big improvements across our three key pillars of usability, security and privacy.
trezor.io/start | trezor suite
Einstein 13/08/2024
Trezor Bridge is a vital application that connects your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer. This software facilitates a secure link between your wallet and the Trezor Wallet application via your web browser. Trezor Bridge ensures that all data transmitted between your wallet and computer is encrypted, maintaining the security of your cryptocurrency transactions and account management. Trezor.io/Start is the essential platform for setting up your Trezor hardware wallet. It provides a straightforward, step-by-step guide to help you configure your device correctly. The site offers easy-to-follow instructions, making the setup process simple and secure. By following the prompts on Trezor.io/Start.